I have now been using my new Suunto Ambit2 S for a couple of weeks and I have been really happy with it. Especially GPS tracking is great. I have done GPS tracking of course with my mobile phone before, which worked fine, but you have to use two devices: mobile phone for speed and route tracking and heart rate monitor for heart rate tracking.  With one integrated device this is just so much easier. 

Suunto's Movescount.com -service provides a lot of extra value for the device. I wasn't that excited with Movescount with my old heart rate monitor, because I would just see very limited basic information there (like average heart rate). But Ambit2 S logs a lot more information and I can see really interesting analysis and figures on Movescount. 

Here are a couple of examples:

1. Weekly / monthly exercise and how training is divided between different sports:
2. Heart rate diagram of a running test
3. Data about swimming style
So in general, looks like there is a lot to see and analyse. These are just a couple of basic examples. What especially interests me is swimming analysis: freestyle swimming is a really technical sport and (at least for me) a bit difficult to learn to do properly. I think that with this data it is a lot easier to see if my technique is developing to a right direction. For example, Ambit logs a SWOLF-count which shows how well and efficiently you are swimming (the smaller number the better).

One small complaint so far: indoor swimming distance tracking at first didn't work at all. The results it gave were nowhere near the right distance. Now since the last update this seems to be working better, so no complaints there anymore. 

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