One common mistake most people (me included) do in endurance sports training is not training hard enough on some days, and easy enough on others. Typically people just end up doing almost all exercises on 130-150 heart rate range. But to get the best results hard days should be really hard, and easy days really easy.

Since I talked about this principle with my training group coach a few months ago I tried to alternate my training. Train a bit harder on some days, and easier on others. Then I exported my data from (I use Suunto heart rate monitor) and here is what it looks like:
Almost all of my training is done on the level of 110-140. Not much variation there. Especially if I look at my different training zones:
Almost all of my training is done on the Recovery recuperation or Recovery stimulation zone. Which is ok for building base, and I guess most of the training for marathon or triathlon should be done on the low heart rate zones. But there next to none training done on the Aerobic maintenance or Aerobic development zones. 

I believe this is quite a common mistake many amateurs (like me) do. At least many of my friends to the same kind of training. So me next goal: start variating development zones. A few days on the higher zones followed by many deays on the lower zones. 

My Omegawave monitor should give me good indication on if this is a successful strategy or not, so let's see what happens. 

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